The vision of a great Nigeria is for an appointed time

I felicitate with Constituents, especially our Christian brothers and sisters in the Lagos Central Senatorial District and indeed, all Nigerians at home and in Diaspora on this joyous celebration of Christmas 2021.

Looking back at the year 2020 and the challenges that 2021 brought with it, to witness another Christmas celebration is  a privilege that we cannot take for granted.

The birth of Jesus which we are celebrating is a fulfilment of what had been written by the Prophets – that the Saviour would be born. Even though it seemed like its manifestation was delayed, the promise was realised.

Similarly, we have expectations and perhaps, promises that are yet to be realised, individually and collectively as a Nation. Let the birth of Jesus be a reminder that what was foretold will definitely come to pass. Let the commemoration of Christmas cause hope to well up within each and every one of us – hope of aspirations fulfilled and attainment of the Nigeria of our dreams.

Even as we celebrate, we must continue to reflect on the love, kindness and virtues of peace which the birth and life of Jesus teaches us, extending the goodwill that we have so freely received to others around us.

Please continue to be mindful of the times we are in, taking care to get vaccinated, adhering strictly to the COVID-19 guidelines, ensuring that we maintain social and physical distance, wearing a mask when in public, observing good hygiene and praying for the pandemic to lose its strength.

Thus, I wish you a joy-filled Christmas celebration and pray that you experience the peace of Jesus and renewed hope for the days ahead.

Happy Holidays!

Senator Oluremi Tinubu